Top 3 benefits of investing in solar power for swimming pools

There’s nothing quite like jumping into the pool on a hot summer day, but it’s a different story when the weather starts to get chilly. 

While an electric pool heating system can help keep your pool cosy over the cooler months, there’s no denying that it can take its toll on your power bill. 

The good news is that there are other options. Here at French Electrical, we’re proud to offer a range of solar installation services that can help you get more out of your swimming pool while keeping your power bill under control. 

Read on to learn more about how solar power pool heating works and how it can benefit your household.

Heating your pool with solar power

Solar energy is the most cost effective way of heating your swimming pool. Investing in solar panels allows you to harness the energy of the sun and use it to power the various components that make up your swimming pool system, including the water pump, heat pump and filter. 

Our photovoltaic (PV) solar panels can be integrated seamlessly into your system, which can greatly reduce many of the running costs associated with maintaining a swimming pool. We’ll conduct a full assessment of your property to determine the best placement and position for your solar panels in order to help you get the most out of your setup. 

What are the benefits of PV solar panels for swimming pools?
1. Cost saving

Perhaps the biggest advantage of investing in solar power is how much money it can save you in the long haul. 

While electric pool heating systems have become more energy efficient in recent years, they can still have a big impact on your power bill. It costs about $5.50 per day in electricity to heat a 40 square meter swimming pool, depending on where you’re located. That’s about $165 per month and almost $2,000 per year. 

In contrast, there are no monthly operating costs associated with heating a pool via solar energy. The sun’s energy is a free, renewable resource that can be collected over and over again. 

Solar panels have an excellent expected lifespan and typically run for at least 10 years – far greater than the life expectancy of electric heating solutions. The longevity of solar means it offers excellent return on investment and most households will easily recoup the initial installation costs with how much they save on power over the lifespan of their solar system. 

2. Better for the environment

As climate change becomes an increasingly important topic for people here in New Zealand and around the world, many people are looking for ways to do their part for the environment.

As you might have guessed, solar-heated swimming pools excel in this regard. Solar energy systems are powered by the sun’s radiation, a renewable source of energy that is freely available. They do not require electricity (or fossil fuels) to operate, making them a greener, more environmentally friendly heating option. 

Solar-powered pool heaters also have an environmental edge over gas pool heaters in that they do not release carbon dioxide, a colourless gas that directly contributes to climate change. 

3. Keep your pool warm over the cooler months

Last but not least, investing in solar allows you to get more enjoyment out of your swimming pool. 

Depending on where you’re located, most households tend to use their swimming pools for about three months out of the year. Solar panels offer an efficient way to keep your pool warm and can effectively double the number of months you can comfortably swim in your pool per year. 

Contact the solar power experts

Cost-effective and environmentally friendly, a solar energy system is an excellent option for anyone who wants to get more out of their swimming pool. 

If you’re thinking about investing in solar power for your pool, we’d love to hear from you. For a no-obligation quote, give us a call today on 09 274 8082, email us at or fill out our online enquiry form and a member of the team will be in touch with you shortly. 

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